best web development company in kashmir

Evita e Mobility Noor

About Project

My Role
Full Stack Developer
Mr. Tajamul
Content Type
Static Cum Dynamic
Evita e Mobility

In a traditional website, each time you navigate to a new page, the browser sends a request to the server, and the server responds by sending a new HTML document. This process often leads to delays and interruptions in user experience, as the entire page has to reload.

However, in a Single Page Application, the initial HTML page is loaded once, and subsequent interactions and content updates are handled dynamically within the same page. This is achieved using JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.js, which handle the rendering and updating of content on the client side.

By adopting the SPA approach for Evita e Mobility's website, several benefits can be realized.

1. Enhanced User Experience
2. Faster Performance
3. Improved Responsiveness
4. Efficient Resource Utilization
5. Mobile-Friendly
6. Caching and Offline Accessibility.
7. Seamless Integration of Web Services
8. Code Modularity and Reusability
9. Simplified Backend
10. Smooth Transitions and Animations

Overall, by developing Evita e Mobility's website as a Single Page Application, I have ensured that users can enjoy a fast, responsive, and seamless experience while exploring and interacting with the e-bike rental services offered by the company.

Technologies in Use
These are the technologies i have used in this project.
    • HTML 5
    • CSS 3
    • JQUERY
    • AJAX
    • LARAVEL 9
    • VUE.JS 3
    • Inertia.JS 1.0
    • MYSQL
Do you have any doubt about what these technologies are or why do i use them for this project? Start a Live Chat, i am online and ready to help you.