Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Artificial Intelligence is to make replica of human brain’s capabilities so that the computers start doing all those activities that the human is doing and in much less time. The recent developments in AI affected politics, journalism, games,cyber security and public life in general.

Cyber security

Cyber security ostensibly is the discipline that could profit most from the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is not easy to develop a software that keeps a check and defends us against the rising assaults in systems. But it can be achieved by making use of artificial intelligence.

Unlike Conventional security,Artificial intelligence techniques are rapid, efficient and give better security.Due to their flexible, robust and adaptable system behavior artificial intelligence techniques can aid in curbing the shortcomings of conventional cyber security systems. While AI has proven useful in enhancing cyber security meanwhile some genuine concerns regarding AI has made humans see it as a potential threat to mankind.AI is proficient by concentrate how human brain thinks, and how people learn, choose, and work while attempting to tackle an issue, and after that utilizing the results of this review as a premise of creating intelligent software and systems.

The skill of AI to simulate human brain which is seen as a threat to mankind in future is used to curb different issues at which humans have limited excellence.

With the development of technologies, assaults are also increasing which can be stopped by implementing different techniques of Artificial intelligence like Intelligent Agents, Neural nets, Machine Learning, etc.

Intelligent agents

Intelligent agents are self-sufficient computer system created force that communicate with each other to share information in order to arrange and actualize proper reactions if there should arise an occurrence of unforeseen occasions.Their mobility and adaptability, and in addition their synergistic nature, makes them competent to fight any unforeseeable condition and assault that comes in their way.

Intelligent agents are utilized to curb against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assaults. In the wake of settling some lawful and furthermore business issues, it is necessary to build up cyber-police comprising of Intelligent agents. The communication of intelligent agents is possible only if a proper infrastructure is installed which inaccessible to assaulters.

Neural nets

After the creation of perceptron by Frank Rosenblatt in 1957 Neural nets history starts – an artificial neuron is considered as important components of neural nets. They are very useful in cyber defense because of their high operational speeds. They are used for learning pattern recognition, for arrangement, for choice of reactions to assaults and so forth.Neural nets are used to carry out the detection and prevention of intrusion. It is recommended that they should be used in DoS identification, malware classification, spam recognition, zombie detection, and computer worm identification and in forensic investigations. There are some advancements made in neural nets like 3G neural nets which simulate biological neurons in much better ways andField Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) which is reported to empower fast improvement of neural nets and their conformity to changing threats.

Expert Systems

It is a software which helps in discovering answers to inquiries presented either by a client or by another software. Expert systems are present in different forms from small system for diagnostic purpose to hybrid system which is for solving complex problems. An expert system comprises knowledge base in which expert knowledge is stored regarding a particular application domain. It also incorporates an inference engine for inferring answers in light of present knowledge and also further knowledge about a circumstance. Expert system is for security arranging in cyber defense. It helps in determination of safety efforts, and gives direction for ideal use of resources which are limited in quantity. To detect Network Intrusion information which is required are Knowledge Base, Rule sets and other configurations on which Expert System run.

Artificial intelligence and Cyber Security

In addition to Intelligent agents, expert systems and neural nets, Machine learning is also used to curb cyber defense issues.

AI with its uses in different field is promising a better and safe tomorrow for humankind whether it be in in terms of health, economics or security. Although there are many issues that are yet to be solved by AI butWith the introduction of new advancements in Artificial intelligence things that we supposed are difficultto accomplish will become easy.